How it Works

The Science of °bootcap®

As long as people have been skiing, skier’s have struggled with the age-old challenge of keeping their feet warm while staying out in the cold to pursue their favorite activity. Modern day ski boots rely only on a hard plastic shell – which have very poor insulative properties – to keep heat from escaping the boot. Most attempts to fix this problem involve changing the materials of the ski boot and liner. Although some of these approaches have helped, they can be expensive and temperamental, and more importantly, they negatively affect the fit of a ski boot.

Bootcap Athlete, Dash Longe
The Solution

A New Approach

°bootcap® takes a new approach to keeping skier’s feet warm by adhering insulation directly to the exterior of a ski boot’s toe box, which does not affect a boot’s fit in any way. (It is important to note that the toes, being the extremities, are the key to being comfortable while skiing. No one has ever said, "Man, can you do something about my heel, it's freezing!") This unique solution utilizes closed cell EVA foam, one of the best insulative materials available, to keep heat from escaping the boot, leaving skier’s feet warmer and happier during a long day on the slopes.

°bootcap™ vs Naked Boot

Test #1

The Freezer

We took a pair of boots and fitted one with °bootcap® and left the other “naked”. Digital thermometers were taped inside the liner of each ski boot in the toe area, and stuffed identical towels into the top of each boot to simulate a skiers’ lower leg. Without any type of heat source added to the boots, the initial measurements read 71°F (room temperature). Then we placed both boots in a -15°F freezer and took temperature readings every five minutes for one hour. As expected, the temperature of both boots dropped, but the boot equipped with °bootcap™ stayed an average of 15°F warmer. 

Bootcap Freezer Test
Bootcap Field Test
Test #2

The Field

Again, we conducted a side-by-side test of two boots; one fitted with °bootcap® and the other left “naked”. With digital thermometers taped inside the liner of each ski boot in the toe area, this five-hour test started inside a car at 68°F. Outside, the temperature was 30°F (14°F wind chill). After stepping out of the car and onto the slopes, the temperature of the °bootcap® equipped boot stayed in the high 60° range for the first 2.5 hours while the “naked” boot’s temp quickly fell, eventually leveling off in the mid 40°s. After 5 hours, the °bootcap® boot was in the mid 50º range and the “naked” boot dropped into the low 40°s. The resulting data showed an average temperature gradient of 10°F over the entire day proving that °bootcap® will keep skier’s feet warmer for longer.


limited stock available

Don't Leave Your Toes in the Cold

With the conclusion of R&D, we are proud to officially launch the °bootcap® design (patent pending). Order now – your toes will thank you!

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